Friday, February 19, 2010

The Beginning....Or The End?

"You two just don't make a good team. You're just...not a good match for each other."

It was dusk, and I was astride Jaytee, sitting with a good friend.

Glancing down at Jaytee's muscular neck and flowing black mane, I sighed. It was true. We are both stubborn, quick to frustrate and start a fight. He is too sensitive, hot and acts like a prince. I am short tempered, a bit nervous, and am quick to blame. We both operate on the same emotional plain, so in synch it's detrimental for us. He tenses, and I become like a ramrod, he jumps and I jump with him. If he's in a bad mood, I become likewise. 

All my life, I wanted my "one true horse", the one who would respond with the slightest flick of a finger, would understand the quietest cue. Well, I got him. He's Jaytee, my own personal Black "Stallion" (or so he believes). I'm starting to think that perhaps we are too in synch, feeding off one another's anxiety, rather than easing his silly fears.

Yet for all that, he is my love, my world. Sadly now, this blog will be about Jaytee's past adventures, for once again, he hurt himself. However, I don't think he'll be coming back from this injury. At eight years old, stunning in his prime, my beautiful Arabian is semi-retired. I don't know if we'll be able to gallop across the wilds ever again, perhaps only in our memories....